New Covenant Church is Re-Opening!

Dear Church Family,

Yes! This is the announcement we’ve all been waiting for:

New Covenant’s doors will re-open for Sunday worship service on June 14th.

Throughout this lock-down, our church family has continued to thrive. We hope you, too, are feeling the momentum from your own home. Because of your participation in giving, we have been able to continue strong, serving the community through food distribution, online worship services, Zoom groups and more. 

Thank you for staying connected to each other during this time of separation. You may have noticed some unforeseen blessings come into your life during quarantine. So have we! We’ve seen a young mom build relationships with older women as she helps them with technology. A couple who have been isolated from NCC for years due to medical limitations have now been able to participate online. Introduced to each other in a Zoom group, a mom delivered cards made by her children to a single woman who was feeling isolated. Easter goodies, Mother’s Day gifts, baked goods and groceries have been delivered to doorsteps, bringing with them feelings of hope and connection. 

Let’s enter this new season of church life with the same sense of togetherness. Regardless of differing views about COVID-19, we can focus on our common goal to bring Wholeness through the Gospel. So, as we re-open our church building, we will take things in a measured approach, remain flexible, and seek the health and safety of everyone who steps foot on our campus. Things will look and feel differently for a while, but by God’s grace I know that we will thrive as we re-enter community life together.

To help get you ready for our reunion, we’ve created a Re-opening Guide that you can download here: 


Hopefully this guide will answer many of your questions. If you have any other needs or concerns, please contact the church offic

In Hope,
Adam Greenfield
Lead Pastor


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